From the WNAV Office Vacation Rental News

TV Interview with Award-Winning

Written by Becky Fischer
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awardLast month, the Executive Director at the Brewster Chamber of Commerce, Kyle Hinkle, announced that had been awarded the Build a Better Mousetrap Award via SCORE. We were thrilled to receive this recognition. The award “honors companies that survive the critical first five years and appear to be headed for long-term success.” Kyle laughed when she called and said, “We should have given this to you years ago since you’ve been in business for 18 years!”

We are very happy to be recognized, and feel that our Brewster office may have helped us achieve this award. We look forward to attending the SCORE  awards breakfast on May 19th in Yarmouth.

As winners of the award, we were interviewed on TV! Jeff and Joan Talmadge and I met Kyle at the Nauset High School where the Best of Brewster TV show is filmed by Lower Cape TV. Kyle put us at ease immediately and led the interview very well with great questions and a true understanding of our business.

Thank you to the Brewster Chamber of Commerce and SCORE for this opportunity to share our story.

About the author

Becky Fischer

Becky Fischer - I have worked for since 2003 and have lived in Brewster with my husband and three children since 2006. I grew up outside of Boston, spent summer vacations on Nantucket, and was married in Orleans. My favorite activities on the Cape are walking on the CCRT, deep breaths at the beach, oystering, yoga classes, and working with my community to support the schools and local events. Wearing several hats at work, I offer photography and video services to homeowners, work closely with the Chambers of Commerce, promote the site through social media, and distribute thousands of buckets, frisbees and lawn signs! You should see my garage! Email Becky