Marketing Your Vacation Rental

Are your bedroom pictures up to snuff?

Written by Becky Fischer
3.5/5 - (4 votes)

How your property comes across in your photos is an important determinant of whether a potential guest inquires or just moves on to the next listing.While many homeowners post lovely photos of the living areas, the bedrooms are almost an afterthought.

From a vacationer’s perspective

We recently received valuable feedback from a vacationer who has used our site for many years to book Cape vacations. She was frustrated because, while viewing listings, she noticed that many had poor pictures of the bedrooms.  Bedroom pictures are important in her decision making process, and she highly values bedrooms that appear neat, clean, and have updated linens. She decided not to inquire about any homes and shared with us that she felt disappointed in our site.

Here are some examples of poor bedroom pictures with sloppy bed linens and pillows:


It’s especially important to get the master bedroom right

We can’t emphasize enough the importance of good bedroom pictures, particularly the master bedroom.  After all, this is most likely where the person selecting the rental home will be staying – and deciding where to stay the following year!

Present a hotel-quality bedroom

Whether you provide linens or not, we strongly encourage you to present the beds as neatly as possible. Buy some decorative throw pillows, de-wrinkle the comforters, update pillows, shams, and comforters every few years. And please (we are begging) – make the beds neatly before taking your pictures!

Here are a few examples of homes that do a lovely job of showcasing their bedrooms:


Remember your bed linens during spring cleaning

Blankets and comforters should be thoroughly laundered before the season begins and after it ends. Have you ever stayed in a vacation rental or hotel and doubted whether the blankets were clean? It’s not a comfortable feeling, nor an invitation to return!

Is the configuration of your beds ideal for your home?

While on the subject of bedrooms, does your home have the best bed configuration to attract the largest number of – and most appropriate – rental parties?  Do you have at least one king or queen bed?  (Read more about the significance of bed configurations.)

Have you any tips about bedding or how to make bedroom pictures more appealing to vacationers?

About the author

Becky Fischer

Becky Fischer - I have worked for since 2003 and have lived in Brewster with my husband and three children since 2006. I grew up outside of Boston, spent summer vacations on Nantucket, and was married in Orleans. My favorite activities on the Cape are walking on the CCRT, deep breaths at the beach, oystering, yoga classes, and working with my community to support the schools and local events. Wearing several hats at work, I offer photography and video services to homeowners, work closely with the Chambers of Commerce, promote the site through social media, and distribute thousands of buckets, frisbees and lawn signs! You should see my garage! Email Becky

1 Comment

  • Thanks Becky! I’m always surprised how often the photos are terrible in listings. It only takes a little bit of effort to make a big difference.